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Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum News

Saturday, December 16, 2023, marked the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. All eyes were on Boston as Boston was the FIRST in the nation to mark the 250th anniversary of a landmark historic event leading the way as America celebrates all major historic 250th anniversaries leading up to 2026, the semiquincentennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States of America.

More than 20,000 people descended upon Boston and attended a grand-scale celebration at Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall and Old South Meeting House and at Boston’s Downtown Crossing along with a lively procession to the waterfront led by fife & drummers culminating in a live reenactment where they witnessed the Sons of Liberty destroy 250lbs of loose tea sent from London’s East India Company and hundreds of pounds of tea sent in from citizens across the globe into Boston’s historic waters at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum located over the same body of water where the Boston Tea Party took two and a half centuries ago. Here are some media highlights.

BTPS 250th Anniversay behind the scenes at NBC10 Boston
BTSP Tea blends dumped for 250th Anniversary at WPRI
BTPS 250th Anniversary Tea dump at NBC10 Boston
BTPS Reenactment at CBS News
BTPS Reenactment at WCVB
BTPS at CBS Evening Boston
BTPS at CBS Boston
Boston Tea Party Ship 250th Anniversary NPR Interview

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